Resources for Radical Job Shop Owners

Quit spinning your wheels, get smart, and get focused on your goals.

As a small business owner, you have to continue investing in yourself and your knowledge if you want to build something of value that can live on after you’re gone. People say “life is short,” but in reality, life can be very long for most of us. One key to living all those years in a meaningful way is to always be learning.

When I look back through the goodreads list that I started during business school, it’s amazing how many books I’ve read about business, marketing, and the human condition in general.

I’ve probably listened to nearly as many podcasts while driving all over the midwest to meet job shop clients and visit family and friends. A few of these have been game-changing for me and my business, so I’m sharing them with you!

~ Emily Wilkins, Owner

The Radical Job Shop Owner’s Book List

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
Yes, this is the Chicken Soup for the Soul guy… But I promise you, this will become your business owner’s manual.

Brand Now: How to Stand Out in a Crowded, Distracted World by Nick Westergaard
If you know nothing about branding except that it’s what farmers do to mark their cattle, read this book.

Badass Your Brand by Pia Silva
The principles in this book are exactly what we help our customers understand and implement.

The Starfish and the Spider by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom
An example-packed analysis of centralized vs. decentralized organization in business–essential if you have employees.

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Muigel Ruiz
This is required reading for everyone IMHO, not just business owners. Ruiz has several books in this series, all worth a read.

The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Caroll
Now a global sensation, #Bujo is just a blank dotted notebook with numbered pages, but the process that Ryder Caroll developed and the journaling practice you cultivate will change your life. He has some free articles on his website and his fans have created a zillion helpful youtube videos and blog posts for further inspiration.

How to Hack Humans: Storytelling for Startups by Seth Erickson
Full disclosure; I know this guy, but this book is highly entertaining and educational. It was written for tech startups, but the same principles apply to all startups and small businesses. It even has a soundtrack! And the audiobook is even better.

Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. by Brene Brown
This book has become a staple in corporate leadership circles, but it’s just as powerful for Radical Job Shop leaders.

To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others by Daniel H. Pink
This one is another classic–for good reason. If you’re like most people, you hate the idea of selling, but we have to learn to love it if we’re going to chase our dreams.

The Machine: A Radical Approach to the Sales Function by Justin Roff-Marsh
If you plan on having a sales team or even just one sales guy, this book will help maximize thier effectiveness.

The Radical Job Shop Owner’s Podcast List

Mavens of Manufacturing by Meaghan Ziemba
Meaghan actually got into podcasting when she worked on the Making Chips show. She’s an incredible champion for manufacturing, especially bringing young people and women into the field. You can watch her interview with me here.

Manufacturing Happy Hour with Chris Lueke
Chris has taken his experience helping manufacturers reduce costs and drive profitability and growth through automation technologies and combined it with his podcasting experience and love of beer to help those same manufacturers tell their stories and attract the right clients and talent to their business.

Flex & Friends with Eddie Saunders Jr.
Eddie teams up with the industry's loudest, proudest, best, brightest, most passionate, and profound thought leaders to talk about all things MANUFACTURING and THE TRADES.

The Manufacturing Millenial a.k.a. Jake Hall
Not a podcast per se, but Jake talks a lot about hiring and working with Millenials and getting them interested in manufacturing. The link above goes to his YouTube channel, but I recommend following him on Linkedin too.

Making Chips Podcast
These guys were some of the first job shop owners to embrace the power of the internet to set themselves apart. They have a ton of insight and knowledge and they’re fun to listen to!

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