The Buildout™

For any custom manufacturer who needs to start winning bigger POs and attracting better talent NOW but cringes at the thought of becoming beholden to some clueless agency for all eternity, The Buildout™ gets you everything you need to power up your business… IMMEDIATELY.

Our process cuts out all the back-and-forth crap and gets you a badass brand, website, marketing content, and sales materials that will set you apart from your competition and allow you to charge more for your work–all WITHOUT relying on you to come up with the words, imagery, and strategy.


A killer brand that WORKS as hard as you do, fully launched in 1 to 3 days.

How do we do this?

We come to your shop (or meet on a video call) for a day or 2 and give you our creative team's full efforts and attention to execute your branded materials–your website, messaging, photography, video, sales process, print materials, and whatever else we determine is necessary during The Setup™.

At the end of the one- to three-day session, you will leave with all of the tools you need to Metal Up your business game immediately. No long, drawn-out project going back and forth about tedious items via email, we run a tight ship to make the best use of your time.


Projects can include your brand's positioning & messaging, logo, business cards, letterhead, marketing materials, a responsive website that works on every device with written copy–all designed, built, and launched by the end of your one- to three-day Buildout™.


Not quite ready for your Buildout™?

Of course not… The Setup™ is where you want to start.